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  • Writer's pictureNathan Wong

Stuff You Should Read #1: Stretching is dead, movement trains your brain, and more

Stuff you should read is a feature of all the helpful tips, articles and posts I've picked up in my research, browsing and general state of mind as I work as a physiotherapist.

1. How often have you stretched without any lasting change? This may be the reason why. If your muscles and nervous system aren't in control of that range it'll never allow you to get "loose" enough there.

2. Breaking down the "nerds study, douches go to the gym" stereotype. Movement helps your brain with clarity, creativity and longevity. Want to improve cognitive function and prevent cognitive decline? Move well and play often in a sensory rich experience (think rock climbing, or swimming, or barefoot running). Exercise has been linked to better outcomes for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and anxiety/depression.

3. The famous physiotherapist Robin McKenzie's methods helped to develop a whole system to managing lower back pain assessment and treatment. Read the link to find out how it can help you and for exercises to give you relief.

That's all for this week!


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